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Wireless in the sky

Monday, 7 August 2006  |  Blackie

Here is something new (at least for me), a blog written in 30.000 feet over greenland. I'm going back to beautiful downtown Bridgeport Conecticut, for what hopefully will be my last stay with a customer. Heck when I return from the customer in about four weeks, then I've been hand holding them for a whole year.

So next four weeks will be about fitness center visits, a lot of KPhotoAlbum programming from my hotel room, and perhaps a few visits to The Green Room (My favorite bar in the area)

Talking about KPhotoAlbum, Tuomas (whose name I missspelled in my blog Saturday, sorry), has written a progress report on his KPhotoAlbum SOC report, see it at The KPhotoAlbum News Section.