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[UPDATE] How Dapper LTS Succeeded To Spoil CUPS Printing (Part Three -- Installed on Harddisk)

Tuesday, 6 June 2006  |  pipitas

Update: Debian packager Adeodato Simo wrote a comment to my previous blog entry, establishing as a fact that the instructions in the README.Debian.gz file in fact where not added by "upstream Debian" (as someone in #kubuntu tried to suggest to me). Isaac Clarencia confirmed to me (also in IRC, in channel #nx), that Debian does not disable the CUPS web interface. He installed a CUPS 1.2.1 from "testing" and found it fully functional. Given these facts, I personally think it very misleading conduct by the Ubuntu packagers (I don't suspect intentional dishonesty), to add 2 paragraphs into the README.Debian.gz file that is signed by Debian packager Jeff Licquia without making obvious who added the modifications.

A clean way to handle this kind of stuff would be to add their own README.Canonical.gz and sign that with their own names as packagers. I wonder how many more packages are affected by this kind of stuff? I'm now beginning to understand some of the bad moods I encountered when talking to hardcore Debian developers about Ubuntu.... Isn't that easily fixable?