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NEXT: Testing CUPS 1.2.1 Preview Packages for Dapper

Tuesday, 6 June 2006  |  pipitas

Since I also got pinged on IRC yesterday by one of the Ubuntu print software packagers; I'll continue tomorrow with investigating a newer package version. He told me he had built new CUPS 1.2.1 packages for testing, and I agreed to look closely at them and report back. I'll download those and continue my testing (and ranting) based on these packages.

Finally, let me wrap up for today: I like the rest of what little I've seen from Kubuntu very much. Good job! I installed and played a bit with Kerry (KDE frontend to Beagle search), Adept (KDE frontend to apt-get/dpkg software package management and installation) and Katapult (Quickstarter for selected applications, documents and bookmarks). All of them are very nice. Adept however realls shines (though its sorting is a bit slow -- but mornfall seems already out fixing this.)