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Apache: Wake up and smell the roses

Tuesday, 6 June 2006  |  zogje

The Apache foundation steadfastly refuses to include support for the OpenDocument filetypes to its distribution despite the mimetypes being registered with IANA. Appearantly the ASF doesn't agree with the OASIS IPR policy seemingly unaware that the OASIS OpenDocument TC has switched to a most liberal IPR policy (Royalty Free with restrictions on possible licensing conditions) earlier this year.

It's not that the Apache foundation is developing a better open standard for office documents (ASCII maybe?) and so far they do not seemed to be bothered the least shipping mimetypes for proprietary formats such as QuickTime (video/quicktime), MP3 (audio/mpeg) or gasp Microsoft Word (application/msword). I'm sure it makes sense in their world, it doesn't in mine.