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processing my todos...

Monday, 8 May 2006  |  El

I sometimes wonder if my list of todos could grow any longer... Is it because I can't say no, because I'm interested in too many things, or because daily work too often keeps me away from my "fun" projects? Probably a mix of all =)

Even if last week's LinuxTag sure added more todo's, it much helped to solve others that were stuck during the last two months:

  • Talking with Sebas, Eva, Cornelius, Tina, Florian and Peter about goals and directions for KDE 4: We'll now create Personas to provide a more visual and vivid base for the KDE 4 usability work.

  • Agreeing with Jonathan to work together on Kubuntu, providing a playground for the above KDE 4 goals, and as an option to integrate usability with the development process.

  • Finding interested software projects and possible support for OpenUsability's "Summer of Usability" idea.

  • Meeting the linaccess people and Mathias Huber from the LinuxMagazin to finally get the results from our Accessibility meets Usability meeting published.

  • Printing, unfortunately, made little progress - even if Kurt and Till were also at LinuxTag...

  • And finally: Making the OpenUsability booth once more the most cosiest place at the whole LinuxTag made everybody happy =)

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