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When marketing doesn't know whats going on..

Wednesday, 26 April 2006  |  Zander

Today I got an email from a friend asking me if I knew about Sun open sourcing Java. Naturally I wanted to reply that thats been a long teaser from Sun where they will never do it, but they let on enough people to hope it might happen one day. Pleases all parties, I guess.

Then I read down to the link this friend got his info from, its actually a URL, so I got curious.

The quote my friend was talking about was a generic 'whats Sun' paragraph hidden at the end of the announcement. I wold have thought they had a stock one to copy paste, but apparently thats not the case and someone had to write one from the top of his head and make a stupid mistake. The quote is:

    Sun's vision is more relevant today than ever before and is embodied in the product and service breakthroughs it has recently brought to market - from the 'pay-per-view' utility computing Sun Grid and the eco-friendly 32-processor-on-a-chip Coolthreads system, to Sun's innovative software pricing model for the Java Enterprise System and the open sourcing of Java[tm], the Solaris[tm] Operating System and the UltraSPARC T1 chip.

I find that so hilarious; that the marketing department got confused after Sun has been saying no and maybe after all these years :)