Oh, sure, normally when you go to visit your friends they take you down to see the city they live in, hang out with their friends and so on. It's no different when I come to see aseigo, but we do all that while protesting. We went on a protest against the seal hunt today. P-man came with us carrying a plush seal toy. I think that image will define "cute" for me from now on (and being a member of the "cute 4" I know cute when I see it). In general it went very well which is just great. This trip has so far been pretty amazing. I found out that I'm coming to Calgary last Friday and had 2 days to prepare. Then I found out that I'm speaking at the local LUG about computer graphics, which by the way was great. I got free Snapples and Kinder Buenos out of it which is really all I want from life. Working laptop, Snapple ice-tea, some candy, skateboard, protest for a good cause from time to time and I'm one content dude. Missing out on the first of those right about now but a man can't have everything.
During the last weekend I wrote a new application, an OpenGL extension browser. It allows you to quickly browse through all the latest OpenGL specs and lists the ones supported on your system. It looks more less like this (except of course that your laptop is most likely not broken so you won't get all the neat garbage that you get to see on that image). The app itself is here. In coding related news we're working on Plasma and finally got some ideas down that look pretty solid. Now it's only a matter of implementing them =)