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Tuesday, 21 March 2006  |  rockman

Finally it seems that i've some time to spend even blogging.. it's a great progress from the previous months :) First of all.. yes, i left my job finally. Basically because i'm still a student.. it's quite impossible to finish university having a full time job.. and since it also wasn't exactly a nice job, i must admit, now i feel really better :) I started hacking again on kmobiletools. I had enough money to buy a new phone, a Samsung SGH Z140V. The really cool part is that a lot of features are currently unsupported, which makes a lot more interesting coding. It's a PDU able phone, so i was finally able to code a decent implementation of pdu encoding. Also, having 2 mobile phones (yes, i'm still feeling too attached to my old Moto C350, which has made kmobiletools born :P) gave me a nice idea: since i had both ttyACM0 and ttyACM1 busy, i had to find a way to avoid having them exchanged.. So now kmobiletools before loading a device checks for each possible target, looks for the mobile IMEI (if any), and then says "Here it is! Let's connect!". With this system i could also code a nice wizard, that seems very useful also for unexperienced users. Now i should start working on real life.. i'm still too late with studies.. and above all, i'm still single :\