klik://wesnoth-latest <-- now updated to 1.1.1
hmmm... not sure if I should really leak it.
Because it is totally untested. I've currently only a remote connection from a Windows/PuTTy box to a SUSE Linux server with no FreeNX or NX server installed. So I couldn't test it. But I used isaac's Debian packages (not knowing if they are for Sarge or for Sid -- I'm assuming Sid) to update the klik://wesnoth-latest recipe. Previously it built a Wesnoth 1.0 klik image -- meaning it wasn't really "*-latest". Now it builds a 1.1.1 image -- it is really latest! :-)
Since I couldn't test it, I had solely to rely on "ldd ./usr/lib/.so ./usr/bin/*" to discover any dependency libs that needed inclusion into the image. I hope I succeeded... In any case users' feedback will tell me tomorrow evening what is missing in the package.... I expect anything between "total failure -- klik suxxx" and "wesnoth works, but misses features X, Y and Z".