Some days ago I was talking with a friend and he told me I should read a book that talked about the subject we were talking about. I had to answer I have too many books in my queue waiting at home for me to find some time to read them. Maybe if I put them together in a list I'll realize that the list is growing too long and I start finding (or making) time to read them...
- Criptonomicon - I have the three books and I stopped reading it around the third quarter of the second book.
- Gödel, Escher, Bach:An Eternal Golden Braid - I've read part of it, but I'd love to read it completely (and find some time to think about it). It's really interesting.
- Mort and Moving Pictures - Terry Pratchet books from the Discworld series. I bought these books after I read Small Gods which Simon Hausmann recommended me and I enjoyed a lot.
- Key Philosophical Writings of Descartes - I've always been an admirer of the Discourse on Method since I learnt about it and its usage of doubt, so I'd like to read it some day.
- El Genio Incomprendido - By Federico di Trocchio, it's a popular science book that is quite interesting, and talks about geniuses that history usually treated bad.
- The complete original unedited works of Lewis Carrol and the complete original unedited works of Edgar Allan Poe - I have to confess it, I have a weakness for original unedited works, and I have a weakness for everything related to Lewis Carroll. The great thing about these books is that even if the books are big (>1000 pages each with small print), the stories, tales, poems, etc are usually quite short, so they can be read little by little (in fact, I already read the Lewis Carrol one, but I just added it here to give strength to the argument about my weakness :) ).
- Darwin's Children - by Greg Bear. It's not really a book I have, but I bought it for my brother's birthday, and it looked interesting so I'll have to ask him about it :).
- Debunked! - by Henri Broch and Georges Charpak (Nobel Prize in Physics), which was translated to spanish as "Become a warlock, become a wise man" and debunks myths and pseudoscience.
- And some other books I'm sure I forgot right now, but I was anxious to read.
:( I'm afraid that list is too long and I don't have much time to read lately, in fact, I should be finishing the two presentations for the OSWC instead of writing this, but what the hell...