klik recipe: ingredient listing now saved inside the .cmg
One of the improvements to klik that has taken substance over the weekend is this:
- each future .cmg created on the client side by executing the klik recipe for the bundle now includes "file.list". This enumerates the input files and their URL source that where used to cook up the final .cmg dish (hrmm..., maybe we should have named it "ingredients.list" to stay in tune with the recipe theme).
This is in the interest of making it easier, even months after using a .cmg for the first time, to track where the files came from. It will also enable current and future klik recipe maintainers to get their job done more easily.
To see the file, you'll have to mount the .cmg ("cd; mkdir mountpoint; mount -o loop Desktop/SomeNew.cmg mountpoint/") and then just look at it ("cat mountpoint/files.list"). Or, just access the file.list while one or more of your klik-ed apps are running: "ls -l /tmp/app/*/*.list").