klik.atekon.de is found by DNS again
Huzzah! (would friend Aaron say),
klik.atekon.de is again found by DNS.
kliktestbox:~> nslookup klik.atekon.de
Address: answer:
Name: klik.atekon.de
That's since about 30 minutes ago. Hopefully it stays like that. After all, there wasn't any problem since the server went online, more than a year ago.
It is really amazing to watch the feedback coming in again, almost by the minute. I haven't mentioned that feedback system before, did I? It is nice to see one's own feedback (that you are asked for if you use f.e. "klik://scribus-latest" to make the latest Scribus klik-run on your system). It is also nice for the klik developers, to get an overview of which packages worked on which OS versions. (We know not *all* klik recipes work everywhere -- but most can be fixed easily, if we have knowledge what exactly breaks, and on which systems. But can you imagine that looking after 4.000+ packages is too much for 4 maintainers? So, if you want to volunteer, to help fixing klik packages that work on only some systems --> you can find us in Freenode IRC, channel #klik).