Cowbells, Screenshots, more on C APIs
Ok, that was a lie, no cowbells ;)
Getting tired of the primitive example application I had for QDS I deciced to create a better one, including a GUI one can take screenshots of :)
One for the curious: Yes, that is an almost pure Qt application getting authentification credentials from KWallet for accessing a webdavs URI
After my rant on C APIs I had another take on one of them: the GNOME-VFS API
While one sometimes reads complains about the state of their API docs, sometime even from GNOME core developers, I found them pretty good, especially when compared to the Carbon docs.
The simulated OOP makes it still a little peculiar to track object life cicles but nevertheless I managed to implement a GNOME-VFS based Launcher service for QDS within a few hours, including fighting a broken GNOME installation (turned out I accidentally installed GNOME 1 devel files instead of the 2.x ones doh)
Only weird thing is that I haven't found out yet how to correctly launch URL that do not end in files, for example (Yes, I also tried just to be sure ;))