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NoMachine NX-1.5.0 is out (including sources of GPL-ed NX Core libs)

Saturday, 23 July 2005  |  Pipitas

NoMachine NX 1.5.0 is finally out! Including sources of the GPL'ed NX Core libraries. It also sports a new NX Server Manager interface (still Beta).

  • Ever wanted to have a usable remote desktop access to your KDE workstation even when thrown back to a modem dialup link? -- You should have used NX-1.3 or NX-1.4 or FreeNX already in the last 2 years!
  • Ever wanted to be able to detach from your remote X session, and re-attach to it later? Or just recover a session lost by a network cut-off? Or move a remote X session to a different local workstation? -- You should be using NoMachine NX 1.4.0 or FreeNX already!
  • Ever wanted to have sound come with your remote X session? -- NX-1.4 and FreeNX were here for you already since quite some time.
  • Want to work on your home KDE Linux workstation from the office while sitting in front of your Windows notebook? -- You must have missed it: this works wonderfully already since a long time.
  • Ever wanted to resize your remote NX session window by just dragging the window border with the mouse? -- Or toggle to fullscreen mode and back with a keyboard shortcut? NX-1.5.0 now brings this feature to your fingertips.
  • Need to access from Linux remote Windows Terminal Sessions, but don't like the poor 8-bit color depth of the session? -- Go for NX-1.5 (or FreeNX-0.4.2 with the NX Core libs 1.5.0).
  • Don't like the primitive, proof-of-concept type kNX NX client application that is in kdenonbeta? -- Go hack on it and make it better. Or wait and see if Chris Cook's effort in his Google SoC project bears some new fruits in the next few weeks...

The FreeNX Team is also currently busy with a whole list of things: write a release announcement for the 0.4.2 bugfix release, fight the SVN troubles plaguing our Berlios repository getting ready for release the 0.5.0 version which will sport seamless printing powers and a nifty new nxfish utility (derived from KDE's fish:// thingie).