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What KHTML2 is about

Monday, 4 July 2005  |  rwlbuis

I realize now my previous blog about khtml2 lacked explanation and introduction, sorry for this :| The idea is not that WildFox and myself can do better than khtml on the html front. In fact we know more about svg than html. So the idea is not to add new functionality to khtml, but keep the functionality like it is.

So what is it? Basically an experiment to get khtml running on top of kdom, which is an independent dom library. The cool things about kdom are explained here.

What should be interesting and useful to experiment with in khtml2 is cdf(compound documents), which would allow xhtml+svg or xhtml+mathml, all in one document, no embed or object tags needed. So see khtml2 as a testbed for better integration of technologies, both through better dom conformance and compound document possiblities.

Hopefully this explains things better. Cheers,
