Fundraising Appeal: Let 'Oischi' Attend European X Developer Meeting
The European X Developer Meeting has been kept quite low profile by its organizers. Maybe because it is meant to be primarily for developers. Maybe they are just too busy with organizing things -- after all, it was announced at very short notice. Yet there is a very attractive program of presentations and discussions which should give a glimpse of the future of the modern X Window System extensions to all interested developers:
- Lars Knoll (KDE developer and Trolltech employee) will be talking about Improving and Extending Render
- Zack Rusin (KDE and Trolltech too) will show his work on Redesign of the Acceleration Architecture.
- Gian Filippo Pinzari (NX/NoMachine) presents (of course) NoMachine NX.
- Kai Uwe Behrmann will talk about X and Colour Management.

Beautiful and exciting, isn't it? The description says, that the new powerful Qt4 libraries (not yet released as a final version) together with the barely ported KDE4 libraries made this possible with only a few lines of code. And with very little CPU load too! KDE4 is going to rock many boats...
Oischi, the creator of this demoware, told me on IRC today that he'd love to go to Karlsruhe to the meeting (not to present something, just to learn and meet the people), but a) he learned too late about it (only this evening) and b) he couldnt afford the travel expenses and the accomodation.
Now let's see: Are there enough KDE enthusiasts reading this, who..
- ...who care enough about KDE's future that they will put together the funds to make Oischi attend this meeting?
- ...who are interested in making the KDE4 GUI not just cool, but give it a breathtakingly beautiful appearance?
- ...who want to empower people who work to combine eyecandy with a usability level that is good enough for your Grandma and Grandpa computer newbie to use, and that sports some very exciting evolution of what we use today?
- ...who want to see KDE becoming a leader in innovative desktop technologies?