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Tuesday, 14 June 2005  |  Geiseri

So I made the mistake of reading my email first thing this morning and came across this gem:

It made me reflect on how I have come to dislike some users of open source. Personally I am sure Mr. Rice is an nice person, and I would probably have a good time if we went out for a drink, but his email encapsulates the annoying message I hear at every LUG meeting and every Linux show I have the displeasure of attending. They want everything for free, and complain when they have to pay for anything. They fail to even appreciate what developers do out of hobby, or good will.

I would like to thank the trolls for having a politically correct GPL version on all platforms. The message is simple: "If you want to play Open Source on Qt you may, if you want to play commercial with Qt you may too." Open Source has no time or place for freeloaders. It lives by developers and participation. Marketshare is nice, but what use is a userbase that it thankless and just using your platform because they can do it at no monetary cost? Mindshare is nice, but what use is a mindshare that exists only use you and never give back? PR is nice, but what use is it when the message is that you are cheap? As someone who has been active in the OSS community for over 10 years now I am very annoyed by OSS users who only use our platform because they are too lazy or incompetent to download commercial tools from their local warez site :(