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Sunday, 5 June 2005  |  Antonio Larrosa


This is my first blog, and this is my first blog entry, so this can be considered a test... or not.

To add something interesting I'll say that in the following hours, we (we == the akademy team) will announce that the deadline for article submissions will be delayed a few days (just a few, so if you want to submit something, you better do it now).

Also, I could tell you that currently the weather in Málaga is very nice at night and a bit hot during midday, but some days ago it even rained a bit.

Well, this is long enough for a not-a-test entry. I hope to find the time to write some notes here with some kind of frecuency to tell you the things I'm involved with and what am I doing with them.

Hope to see you all at the aKademy !