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KDE in the Open Directory

Thursday, 19 May 2005  |  beineri

In general I like the idea of the Open Directory Project (dmoz), a community-edited directory of the web. The part I feel most important about is of course its KDE category. In the past I submitted several times new URLs and reported broken/changed URL and duplicates. But not so often anymore and that's not only because of the lack of time (in main parts due to countless other KDE-related stuff I'm doing): I didn't experience the category editor as very responsive. His decision to also add single pages of listed sites leads to a mess and those are the ones who are likely very soon outdated (anyone still interested in KOffice 1.1.1 release notes?). And for the major sites and close partners we always had the KDE Family Websites list, for applications and themes related stuff now and exist and several other stuff like Reviews and Screenshots can be found linked in the KDE Wiki.

After having that said I want to add that I'm convinced that it's even so important to have a complete well-maintained dmoz KDE category. dmoz's data is used by sites like Google Directory, AOL, Alexa and over 300 others. And I'm convinced that the directory is also considered by those who offer a web search when calculating site rankings. Now my call to action: If you don't know how you can help KDE otherwise, consider bombarding the Open Directory with new submissions, update/removal requests in a single outburst or on a regular base! :-)