Wikipedia for everyone; More Internet for me

The second limitation is QTextBrowser: It's nice for enrichted text, but it's still fairly buggy and even once this is fixed, I really need a proper browser at the end of the day with whistles and bells. Maybe this will motivate me to help porting KHTML once we're getting there.
The indexer part is harder. There is CLucene, but it refuses to link properly and I haven't found enough time to tackle this. Even the examples fail to link. Doesn't anyone use that stuff?
In other news, I will soon enjoy the power of a 2 MBit/s ADSL line. The new contract is even significantly cheaper than the old one, which only allowed 1 MBit/s. I could now even go up to 3 MBit/s, but that's overkill most of the time, and would cost slightly more. Let's see how long it takes until T-Online regrets this offer :).