I finally quit my job
I'm probably a rare example of someone that has worked in the same job for over 6 years already, where the job was the first one I got after finishing university. At birthday parties of friends I know for over 15 years there was always someone that recently changed jobs, and I got a look of unbelieve when I told them I still worked at the same company.
Hé; what can I say; the work was great! Building user interfaces and technically cool solutions in a market where all the competitars are still doing everything by hand giving you a perpetual 1.0 feeling. Who would'nt want that?
Since the small startup was taken over by the biggest competiter a year ago things have been going down hill; I basically did not feel at home anymore for various reasons I don't feel like posting on a blog :)
So we both decided we should part ways and I signed the last papers a couple of days ago; I finally left.
Instead of frantically trying to get a new job, I'm probably going to experience a long vacation first. After having worked for just about my whole life (from 14-up, including my student years) I think I deserve a break. So if anyone knows of a great destination to go for a month or two, leave a comment! Now; how hard will it be to arrange a trip to Japan..