Eye Candy Watch
Tonight on KDE eye candy watch...
Basse produces a rocking new Konqi image for the logout dialogue:

Then follows it up with this cute little number for the About KDE dialogue:

And within minutes, yes minutes, is producing this new pose:

which can be found in such elite places as Binner's home page and on fab's shiny laminated FOSDEM posters.
The more astute of you may have noticed new colours on the about screens and a new revision of the Official KDE Logo (Registered Trademark in Bukina Faso and other countries):

Which is based on the new (but not yet final) corporate identity guidelines colours. And speaking of those colours (not just blue contrary to rumour) you may have noticed the new www.kde.org from cullmann which makes suble use of CSS2's little implemented text-shadow property (unlike ubuntu.com which overuses it to crimial extents, bless their hearts those who use browsers that don't support the properties they add to their CSS).
Finally we have a decision on the KDE 3.4 splashscreen:

Praise and moans to kde-artists mailing list and the newly active #kde-artists IRC channel.