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A little social experiment

Tuesday, 25 January 2005  |  njaard

I'm going to have this shot, and we will see how much sense I make at the end of this journal entry. Or for that matter, at the beginning.

Mmmm... Anise.

Anyway, continuing, in my two week long operation to track down the Jitter Bug, I got very close, but, alas, all I did was provide enough information for someone that actually knows (slightly more about) how khtml works. Do I get half credit for that? My next is something to do with RTL. I hope that Allen doesn't get to it first. Yes, you heard me Allen, that one's mine. I only claimed it because I have already seen how some of that part of khtml works. I'm also the one that made the test-case.

Fixing khtml bugs consists of reading code for hours/days/weeks and after a while, changing a line or two, and wondering "what will this do?" -- really. Sometimes, if I feel really confident, I even think "maybe this will make a change to the better." Usually it doesn't but if you're lucky you might have learned a little about how khtml works. Who is to blame for the following code?:

if (child && (flow->enclosingLayer() == enclosingLayer()))
    // Set noPaint to true only if we didn't cross layers.
    r->noPaint = true;

That has to be the lamest comment ever. Please, please, coders: don't comment what you are doing, comment why you are doing it. The place to explain what you are doing is in the header file as API-docs.

Next month, Chris Howells and Jeff Snyder are going to see Nightwish and Tristania in London. Well, to that, I say nya nya, and I'm going to see them a whole five days prior in Birmingham. Jeff even said that they were sold out on tickets just to discourage me. That monster.

While I'm at it, note my new hackergotchi on planet kde. I'm not exactly artistically talented, but I do know how to use the gimp.

Also, I fixed a couple bugs in Photobook (and then chose to delay a couple of features until KDE 4). Looks like Photobook will have to be moved to kdebase, or libkonq will have to move to kdelibs.

Noatun make-it-snow branch is also progressing (no thanks to myself). Stefan's been doing a super job on doing stuff and I've just been lazy as hell. I'll work more on it. I did, however, get around to porting the noatun audioscrobbler plugin to Noatun3. If for no other reason because I think it's cool.

Oh, today was the first week back in university after the holiday, and exams. I'm sorry, but I find it more rewarding to make no progress on khtml bug-fixing than to attend lectures in which nothing is learnt.

I do not have a nice bit of literary artwork for this week, so I will share a grammatical lesson for you:

  • "a lot" is two words.
  • Charles is made into a possessive as «Charles's», not «Charles'» (the rule of adding just an apostrophe only applies to plurals). I'm not making that up.
  • The word "Idea" is pronounced with three syllables: Eye-Dee-uh.
  • "since" is used only for an absolute time or date, "for" is used for a period of time. "I have been a KDE developer since January 2000" versus "I have been a KDE developer for four years".
(If English is not your native language, those last two will be of particular interest to you).