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It begins

Tuesday, 4 January 2005  |  njaard

I've packed for my flight leaving tomorrow. Noatun 3 ("make-it-snow") made serious progress today. Photobook got its final TODO completed (just in time for the freeze). I fixed my first khtml bug.

Hopefully Rob and I will arrange a little get-together with a few of the Dutch KDE developers this week.

For the last two years I've done a disappointingly small amount of KDE development. I'm hoping my dry spell is now over. Furthermore, I will begin to take an active interest in improving khtml.

Noatun make-it-snow is eventually what will become Noatun 3 (which will be part of KDE4). It's a huge rewrite of a lot of the important and ugly parts of libnoatun. The design is revamped. We take advantage of kparts now, and the plugin system is hugely more versatile as well. It'll be awesome!

I also implemented the last gap in photobook, making it actually get its supported mimetypes from kview. Photobook is something that a lot of users have been asking for it, and I enjoy having such a thing as well, so I'm happy to see such a feature as part of KDE, at last.

And for today's Charles's Culture Corner (C3): The Pentagram by Aleister Crowley.