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How can a group decision be reached?

Tuesday, 20 July 2004  |  jriddell

KDE has had the same splash screen for the last two releases so I think it is in need of a new one. It doesn't matter if the new one is better or worse than the KDE 3.1/3.2 splash (it's all artistic taste), this is new for the sake of new otherwise it looks to users like nothing has changed.

There are a few possibles:

  • was recently submitted and looks nice but has been accused of using Apple style imagary.
  • Everaldo has said he likes this one
  • Quite a few people like this one

And quite a few people say that none of them are good enough (the criteria is that they have to fit in with KDE's default widget, icon and desktop themes).

My question is not which of these is best but rather how can a group decision be made when most people have an opinion but essentially it comes down to artistic preference?