Kolab Wizard, Getting Kontact into shape
Just in time for the feature freeze, I managed to finish the Kontact wizard. I finally took the time to understand the concepts behind the framework that Cornelius orgininally came up with and I really start to like it. The current version contains some known bugs, but I will address that in the next days.
Another hot topic are bugs. The Kontact framework has plenty of them, but quite a lot are probably invalid or outdated, need checking or are actually bugs of the components, most others should be fixable without breaking the string freeze.
Currently around 1/3 of all bugs are wishes and there are only 8 crashes, so I am confident kontact is soon in good shape. If you disagree, feel free to file more bugs or even better: send a patch!
The only tough thing will be writing a replacment for the currently used merged config dialog from kdelibs. But either we add a replacement or disable the merged dialog alltogether again for KDE 3.3. Currently it's a usability nightmare.