Progress is slow but sure.
Man its been almost a month now since i posted...
Well n7y was great and i got to start on a ton of stuff that im just now finishing. The coolest one IMHO is KJS support in KDevelop 3.0. Currently I can create a new project in KDevelop to edit KJSEmbed scripts, and the debugger is loaded. [image:203,middle].
The next step will be to get code completion and maby the function wizard to work properly. I hope I can get that finished tomorrow. KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart() seems to give me a fair amount of access to the JS context so I might be able to use that to get some information about the script without having to parse it. Maby ill get lucky ;)
Also this weekend I want to move the KUIViewer into kdesdk, so I can also use that part to debug UI files for use with KJSEmbed. More on that later.... first some sleep and get this bad boy to do some code completion...