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Assigning an action to a folder

Wednesday, 23 July 2003  |  Geiseri

So I'm trying to figure out how to add a menu to a single folder, kinda like the trashcan when it hits me. We have this .directory file in there. I wonder how hard it would be to add a service menu to that folder via the .directory file? We already use that file for icons...

I wonder how hard that would be since the .directory file is already parsed to get the icon. What if we parsed it to get a set of service menus too. Im thinking of a folder on my desktop that contains a menu entry to rsync the folder with my remote file store. example: ... [Desktop Action sync] Exec=rsync ... %d %u Name=Sync to Server... Icon=sync

[Desktop Entry] Actions=sync BgImage=funky.png Icon=desktop Type=Directory

[IconPosition::kweather page.desktop] X=5 Y=404 ....

hrm... yet another thing on my todo list :)